Academic Handbook 2022-2023 | Page 72

Crofton House School
opportunity to use current technologies to create computational artefacts for both self-expression and problem-solving . Together , these aspects of the course make up a rigorous and rich curriculum that aims to broaden participation in computer science .
• The design cycle is an ongoing reflective process .
• Personal design choices require self-exploration , collaboration , and evaluation and refinement of skills .
Students will be introduced to the process of design thinking ; this framework is central to the curricular competencies outlined by the BC Ministry of Education , and is commonly used by designers to solve complex problems and find solutions to client needs .
Assessments may include case studies , projects and presentations . Students will be expected to work collaboratively as business teams .
• Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes .
Entrepreneurship 12
Prerequisite Course Credit Course Duration
None 4 credits Full year
Delivery Method Classroom and project-based , using a variety of instructional strategies
This course is designed to help students develop the knowledge , competencies , and attitudes , required to help them increase their entrepreneurial and leadership skills in the business world . Students will learn about characteristics of the global market and local economic trends and the components of starting a small business . The course will empower students to identify opportunities for innovation and to create a real new venture or social enterprise business idea . Students will learn how to communicate and pitch their new venture idea to a panel of experts , entrepreneurs or potential investors .
The Big Ideas explored in this course are :
• Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts
• Services and products can be designed through consultation and collaboration
• Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes