Academic Handbook 2022-2023 | Page 62

Crofton House School
Drama 11
Prerequisite Drama 10 Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
4 credits Full year Performance and processbased , using a variety of instructional strategies
This year-long classroom-based course uses a variety of instructional techniques , including student-led projects , inquiry and research based learning , handson learning , collaboration , and performance . In addition to critical thinking , research , and analysis skills , students work on a variety of assignments that focus on training the actor ’ s instruments : the body and the voice . Students will continue to build on the skills learned in Drama 10 , including script and character analysis , blocking , critique , improvisation , vocal technique , and audition skills . Assessment may include assignments , presentations , and performance .
The Big Ideas explored in this course are :
• Individual and collective expression are founded on history , culture , and community .
• Drama offers dynamic ways to explore and share identity and a sense of belonging .
• Growth as an artist requires perseverance , resilience , and reflection .
• Aesthetic experiences can affect change in the actor , audience , and environment .
• Drama encourages creativity , innovation , and collaboration in a variety of contexts .
Drama 12
Prerequisite Drama 11 Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
4 credits Full year Performance and processbased , using a variety of instructional strategies
This year-long classroom-based course uses a variety of instructional techniques , including student-led projects , inquiry and research based learning , hands-on learning , collaboration , and performance . In addition to critical thinking , research , and analysis skills , the students work on a variety of assignments that focus on training the actor ’ s instruments : the body and the voice . Students will continue to build on the skills learned in Drama 10 and Drama 11 , including script and character analysis , blocking , critique , improvisation , vocal technique , and audition skills . Assessment is based on assignments , presentations , and performance .
The Big Ideas explored in this course are :
• Drama is a way of sharing and understanding traditions , perspectives , cultures , and worldviews .
• Drama offers dynamic ways to express our identity and sense of belonging .
• Growth as an artist requires perseverance , resilience , and reflection .
• Aesthetic experiences have the power to transform our perspective .
• Drama provides opportunities for creativity , innovation , and collaboration .
Choral Music 8
Recommended or Prerequisite Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
N / A 1 semester Performance-based
Choral Music 8 students will develop musical understanding through choral singing . They will develop their vocal and ensemble technique , music literacy , music history and theory skills . Assessment may include teacher observation of rehearsal skills and performances , written assignments and individual recordings .