Academic Handbook 2022-2023 | Page 58

Crofton House School
students will produce written and visual analysis of the work of other artists , craft-makers and designers . Throughout the course students will be encouraged to develop their own personal flair , style and interests in art and to use this understanding to help motivate and guide the direction of their artwork . The course also incorporates an art gallery visit , field trip , or a visiting guest artist . The teacher will support students wishing to build a portfolio of work for university applications . Assessment will include oral , and written presentations , a life drawing portfolio , sketchbook development , and daily drawing activities .
The Big Ideas explored in this course are :
• An artist ’ s intention transforms materials into art .
• Visual arts are an essential element of culture and personal identity .
• Refining artistic expression requires perseverance , resilience , and risk-taking .
• Purposeful artistic choices enhance the depth and meaning of artistic work .
• Aesthetic experiences have the power to transform our perspective .
AP 2-D Art and Design
Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
Art Studio 11 and permission of teacher following a review of student portfolio 4 credits Full year Studio-based , self-directed with a teacher mentor
In this Advanced Placement course students will build on previous studio art experiences , and will work toward achieving mastery in their technical skills , in their use of a variety of materials , and developing a personal style . The course will tap into their imagination , intuition , and conceptualization of work . Students will take an active part in describing , analyzing , interpreting , and judging their artwork and the work of their classmates , and will complete work that will be submitted for their post-secondary application . Students will demonstrate mastery through any two-dimensional medium or process . Class time is divided into five segments : Studio , Critique , Art History , Research , and Aesthetics ; through those segments a portfolio will be created . Assessment will include the AP Studio Art exam in the spring . This exam consists of having five physical works or high-quality printed reproductions of physical works that can include works from previous years .
Digital Film 9
Recommended or Prerequisite Course Credit Course Duration
2 credits 1 semester
Delivery Method Classroom instruction , individual and collaborative inquiry-based projects , practical hands-on experience
This half-year communication course covers the foundations of digital filmmaking . Through a variety of individual and collaborative inquiry based projects , students will build a toolbox of storytelling , filming and editing skills and develop a portfolio of short films . Technical and practical classes encourage students to explore , create , reflect , revise and collaborate . Film screenings and presentations introduce students to film analysis , filmmaking vocabulary and the language of filmmaking . Assessment is standards based , with ongoing formative and summative assessment of course work and project-based assignments .
The Big Ideas explored in this course are :
• Identity is explored , expressed , and impacted through arts experiences .
• The arts provide opportunities to gain insight into the perspectives and experiences of people from a variety of times , places , and cultures .
• Creative arts experiences can build community and nurture relationships with others .
• Dance , drama , music and visual arts each use their own unique sensory language for creating and communicating .