Crofton House School
Arts and Applied Design , Skills & Technologies
Arts and Applied Design , Skills & Technologies ( AADST ) at Crofton House School , includes B . C . Ministry of Education Arts and Applied Design , Skills and Technologies courses comprised of the following curricular areas : art , band , choir , computer programming , drama , digital film , entrepreneurship , foods studies , graphic design , and Information and Communications Technology ( ICT ). While the curricular areas are diverse , collectively these courses provide an opportunity for students to explore and hone their artistic and technical skills through inquiry , experimentation and persistence . These processes enable students to develop self-awareness and critical thinking , while also expanding skills that are in high demand from employers such as communication , collaboration and creativity .
Outline Arts Art Digital Film Drama Music Applied Design , Skills & Technologies ( ADST ) Food Studies Textiles
Information and Communications Technology ( ICT )
AP Computer Science A / Computer Science AP Computer Science Principles Entrepreneurship
In Grades 8 and 9 , a full year of Arts and Applied Design , Skills & Technologies ( AADST ) are required elements of the BC curriculum . A full year experience is gained through taking a selection of semester courses ). In Grades 10 to 12 , students are encouraged to pursue their interests and passions through being offered a range of elective subjects including AP courses . There are opportunities for accelerated learning in these programs for students interested in potentially pursuing the arts and applied skills .
Anne Bonnycastle Department Head , Arts and Applied Design , Skills & Technologies 604 263 3255 ext . 7521 abonnycastle @ croftonhouse . ca