Academic Handbook 2022-2023 | Page 36

Crofton House School
Learning Strategies
Crofton House School has a Learning Strategies team to help support students build academic and executive functioning skills , and to support students with designated learning exceptionalities .
Crofton House School has a tiered support model .
Tier 1 : Classroom Teacher and Peer Tutoring
If a student believes she needs assistance in her course work , the first level of support will come from the classroom teacher . Most teachers are available at lunch , after school or by appointment . CHS also provides a peer tutoring program .
Tier 2 : After School Support in Learning Strategies
Any student enrolled at Crofton House School can attend after school Learning Strategies sessions to get support from Monday to Thursday , 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm or at occasional lunchtime meetings . These are not subject tutoring sessions , instead they are an opportunity for skill development or to seek clarification .
Some students are requested to attend a regularly scheduled time in order to provide the support they need to be successful in their learning .
Tier 3 : Referred for a Psycho-Educational Assessment and , if Required , Placed on an IEP ( Individual Education Plan )
Any student who needs further support will be referred for a psycho-educational assessment . Once the assessment has been administered and the report has been shared with the school , an IEP may be developed for a student highlighting the learning strengths and needs as documented in the educational assessment . With an IEP in place , a student may require a Learning Strategies block in her timetable in order for more targeted support .
The Individual Education Plan ( IEP ) Process
Once the psycho-educational assessment has been received , please bring the assessment to the Student Services department . In consultation with the student ’ s teachers , the Learning Strategies team will work to create either a summary , or a full IEP for the student if a learning exceptionality is indicated and ongoing support is required . In many cases the psycho-educational assessment may not lead to any changes in the student ’ s program . The psychoeducational assessment will be filed in the student ’ s permanent record in the school data area for future reference . This area is secure and private , and access is carefully regulated . Crofton House , like all schools in B . C ., requires that psycho-educational assessments be updated every three to five years to ensure that a student ’ s current educational needs are being taken into consideration .
An IEP is developed for a student highlighting the learning strengths and needs as documented in the psycho-educational assessment . This document is communicated to teachers electronically through our school data management system ( MySchool ) and is used to support students in their learning . Teachers are reminded yearly in a staff meeting how to access this information . Further , teachers are invited to IEP meetings throughout the year to ensure an understanding of individual student accommodations and how to implement them in their classes . In an IEP we will only include accommodations that we are able to provide .
The school is able to support students with high incidence special needs categories “ K ”, “ Q ”, and “ R ” and in most cases , categories “ D ” and “ H ”. Crofton House School does not create individualized modified programs to support IEPs for students who are designated only as Category P ( Gifted ). Through an enriched curriculum in all courses , students with this designation will receive the support required from their classroom teachers .
Who Needs an IEP ?
All students with a Ministry Special Education designation , except those identified students who require only minor adaptations , whose program is not