Academic Handbook 2022-2023 | Page 27

Academic Handbook 2022-2023 27
Post-secondary planning at CHS is a guided process based on developmental stages and best practices . Students are urged to avoid accelerating through the program , assuming more is better , and basing decisions on rumour and hearsay .
Grade 8 and 9
• Group meetings are facilitated through the Advisory program .
• The focus for Grade 8 and 9 students is to explore existing and new interests by trying new courses , considering summer non-academic courses or programs of enrichment , and engagement in the co-curricular program .
• Counsellors and teachers will advise and write reference letters for optional summer programs . These programs are posted on school bulletin boards , and updated weekly on the Career Exploration Opportunities Canvas page by the Department Head of Career Education .
• Students and parents / guardians are welcome to book individual meetings if they have specific questions not answered in either advisory meetings or at a parent information session .
IMPORTANT NOTE : Students are urged to postpone any post-secondary preparation course such as taking AP courses or SAT / ACT prep courses until Grade 11 . CHS restricts AP courses ( offered by the school ) and all AP exam writing to students in Grades 11 and 12 .
Grade 10
• Focus for Grade 10 learning includes :
• Understanding the BC Graduation Program and the requirements for graduation including number of credits , required courses , graduation assessments ;
• Making informed course selection for Grades 11 and 12 that will prepare students for post-secondary application requirements as well as programs of study ; and
• Learning about a range of post-secondary options including application processes for Canadian , US , UK , and International schools as well as the options of a ‘ gap ’ year .
• Group meetings with post-secondary counsellors are facilitated through the Advisory program .
• In Career Life Education 10 , students complete a unit of study with the Post- Secondary Counsellors and undertake a post-secondary overview which is comprehensive in scope and an excellent entry into the planning process .
• All Grade 10 students complete the Grade 10 Numeracy and Literacy Assessments when scheduled ( varies - November , January or April ).
• Counsellors advise and write recommendation letters for optional summer programs . These programs are posted on school bulletin boards , and updated weekly on the Career Exploration Opportunities Canvas page by Department Head , Career Education .
• Parents / Guardians are invited to watch our informational videos regarding specific information for Canadian , US , and UK institutions . Parents will meet with their daughter ’ s assigned Post-Secondary Counsellor to ask any follow-up questions . These meetings are to be held on the weekend and will last for 30 minutes .
• A parent information session will be given to parents in late January where they can learn more information about courses and specific information on Canadian , US , and UK institutions . Students and parents / guardians can book individual meetings if they have specific questions not answered in either Advisory meetings or at a Student Services Parent Information Session .
IMPORTANT NOTE : Students are urged to postpone any post-secondary preparation courses such as taking AP courses or SAT / ACT prep courses until Grade 11 . CHS restricts AP Courses ( offered by the school ) and all AP exam writing to students in Grades 11 and 12 .