Academic Handbook 2022-2023 | Page 101

Academic Handbook 2022-2023 101 and pop culture . Assessment includes interpretive , interpersonal , and presentational modes of communication . Each mode addresses how students speak , write , listen , view and use media .
Spanish 12 ( 11 Accelerated )
Prerequisite Spanish 11 ( 10 Accelerated ) Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
4 credits Full year Classroom-based
Spanish 12 students consolidate their linguistic and cultural competencies by producing academic texts , engaging in discussions and undertaking projects about real-life situations . Through completing this course , students will employ critical thinking skills as they compare the Hispanic language and culture with their own community . Students at this level will undertake independent research projects into various multidisciplinary areas of study including the following AP Spanish themes : Global Challenges , Science and Technology , Contemporary Life , and Personal and Public Identities . Assessment includes interpretive , interpersonal , and presentational modes of communication . Each mode addresses how students speak , write , listen , view and use media .
Spanish 12
Prerequisite Spanish 11 Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
4 credits Full year Classroom-based
Spanish 12 students continue to expand their linguistic and cultural knowledge of concepts previously learned . At this level , students learn how to express themselves with fluency , precision , and efficiency orally and in writing . This course also provides opportunities to undertake independent research projects into different multi-disciplinary areas of study including language , literature , culture , politics , cinema , theatre , music , food and identity . Assessment includes interpretive , interpersonal , and presentational modes of communication . Each mode addresses how students speak , write , listen , view and use media .
AP Spanish Language & Culture
Prerequisite Spanish 12 Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
4 credits Full year Classroom-based
Students who completed Spanish 12 in their Grade 11 year may elect to take this course in Grade 12 . Students are expected to have high grammatical and semantic accuracy , as well as a fairly advanced knowledge of Spanish-speaking cultures . To ease students into the format and structure of the AP exam , this course is organized around six themes : Global Challenges , Science and Technology , Contemporary Life , Personal and Public Identities , Families and Communities , and Beauty and Aesthetics Each thematic section contains various activities intended to build up the skills students will need to take the AP exam . Assessment includes interpretive , interpersonal , and presentational modes of communication . Each mode addresses how students speak , write , listen , view and use media .
Languages : FAQ
How will my daughter be placed in Languages ?
It is important that a student be placed in a level in which she will have the greatest chance of being successful both in terms of her linguistic growth and confidence . Students who wish to be considered for the Accelerated class must sit a placement test ( challenge ) in May / June at a time scheduled by the School . Girls entering Grades 9 to 12 will be interviewed and tested by the Department Head / appropriate language specialist prior to placement depending on the language choice ( s ) they have made ..
At what point can my daughter move to a different level ?
The placement of students is reviewed at the end of the school year . Acceleration is possible through the “ Challenge ” process . The decision to accelerate may also involve discussion with students and their parents / guardians . Any course changes in the fall must be made by the deadline outlined in the section titled “ Schedule : Course Selection to Finalizing a Timetable ”.