Academic Handbook 2021-2022 | Page 128

Crofton House School
Explorations in Social Studies 11 : Seminar
Prerequisite Social Studies 10
Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
4 credits Full year Classroom-based , using various modes of teaching and learning , including Harkness discussion
Social Studies 11 is designed to provide students with flexibility in terms of the course content while meeting provincial curriculum standards . Specifically , the course will rely on an inquiry framework to develop competencies introduced in Grades 8 to 10 in order to best prepare students for higher level study in the humanities . In this course , students will :
• Question and explore , gather , interpret , and analyze ideas ; and communicate their own thoughts and arguments
• Assess the significance of people , places , events , phenomena , ideas , or developments
• Assess the credibility and justifiability of evidence , data , and interpretations
• Compare and contrast continuities and changes , trends and patterns , or similarities and differences for different people , places , events , phenomena , or ideas
• Assess the short- and long-term causes and expected and unexpected consequences of people ’ s actions , events , phenomena , ideas , or developments
• Infer and explain different perspectives on people , places , events , phenomena , ideas , or developments
• Make reasoned ethical judgments and determine appropriate ways to respond .
The course is framed by curricular Big Ideas selected from 20th Century World History 12 , Human Geography 12 , Genocide Studies 12 , and Philosophy 12 . ( eg . Nationalist movements can unite people in common causes or lead to intense conflict between different groups ; despite international commitments to prohibit genocide , violence targeted against groups of people or minorities has continued to challenge global peace and prosperity ; philosophy provides tools for investigating meaning and fostering understanding of different ways of thinking ; analyzing data from a variety of sources allows us to better understand our globally connected world .) Course delivery and assessment will include : discussion-based learning , individual and group project work , presentations , written assignments and a major , final research paper .
Comparative Cultures 12
Prerequisite Social Studies 10
Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
4 credits Full year Classroom-based , using various modes of teaching and learning , including Harkness discussions
Comparative Cultures 12 focuses on the relationships between culture , values and the arts in past and present societies . The course provides students with a range of experiences and skills that facilitate their understanding of , and sensitivity to , a variety of cultures . It fosters students ’ awareness of various civilizations throughout the world , and of the contributions of these civilizations to the sum of human experience . The course is framed by the following Big Ideas : understanding the diversity and complexity of cultural expressions in one culture enhances our understanding of other cultures ; interactions between belief systems , social organization , and language influence artistic expressions of culture ; geographic and environmental factors influenced the development of agriculture , trade , and increasingly complex cultures ; value systems and belief systems shape the structures of power and authority within a culture . Curricular competencies developed at this level will build on the competencies introduced in previous years and help prepare students for post-secondary studies in the humanities . Assessment may include : student project work , debates , presentations , interactive group assignments , and unit tests .