Academic Handbook 2021-2022 | Page 121

Academic Handbook 2021-2022 121
Environmental Science 11
Prerequisite Science 10 Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
4 credits Full year Classroom-based , using a variety of inquiry-based strategies
Environmental Science 11 students will refine competencies in communication , critical thinking , and personal and social awareness as they engage in the scientific process , acquire new laboratory skills and contribute to local conservation initiatives . Students will focus on broadening their understanding of local ecosystems , with emphasis placed on ecosystem diversity and sustainability . An excursion trip to the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre during the third week in September in Term 1 is an essential component of this course . Students will communicate their understanding through a variety of assessments that may include quizzes , tests , laboratory reports , assignments and projects that engage the local community .
Environmental Science 12
Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
Successful completion of a Grade 11 science course 4 credits Full year Classroom-based , using a variety of inquiry-based strategies
Environmental Science 12 students will extend competencies in communication , critical thinking , and personal and social awareness as they further engage in the scientific process , refine laboratory skills and contribute to local conservation initiatives . Students will study topics including global water consumption , food security , changes to climate systems , land use / management and environmental policy and law . The knowledge they acquire throughout these topics will be applied to real-world scenarios and used to investigate the impacts that human actions have on the world . As Environmental Science 12 is an interdisciplinary course focused on competency development , successful completion of a Grade 11 science course will be a sufficient prerequisite . Students will communicate their understanding through a variety of assessments that may include quizzes , tests , laboratory reports , assignments and projects that engage the local community .
Physics 11
Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
Science 10 . Students should be competent at algebraic and numeric problem solving . 4 credits Full year Classroom-based , using a variety of inquiry-based strategies
Physics 11 students will develop critical thinking and reasoning skills through problem based learning activities , inquiry activities , scientific investigations and computer applications in a collaborative setting . They will develop these skills through exploration of onedimensional and two dimensional motion , energy , wave motion , and circuits as it is applied to everyday experiences and the world around them . Students will communicate their understanding of scientific ideas through a variety of assessments that may include tests , laboratory reports , presentations and projects .
Physics 12
Prerequisite Physics 11
Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
4 credits Full year Classroom-based , using a variety of inquiry-based strategies
Physics 12 students will study more advanced physics concepts , including vectors , momentum , equilibrium , gravitation , circular motion , electrostatics , circuits and electromagnetism . Laboratory activities will use technology to gather and analyse data . Students must be adept at algebraic and numerical problem solving . The evaluation for this course is based on the student ’ s achievement of curriculum expectations and the