AC 557 Dreams Come True / AC 557 Dreams Come True / | Page 6

· Does the problem or challenge facing the company come from a changing environment , new opportunity , a declining market share , or inefficient internal or external business processes ?
3 . Strengths , Weaknesses and Alternatives : Identify Strengths and Weaknesses as well as Alternatives
· Examine the value creation functions of the company and specify alternative courses of action .
· List the courses of action the company can take to solve its problem or meet the challenge it faces . What changes to organizational processes would be required by each alternative ? What management policy would be required to implement each alternative ? Remember , there is a difference between what an organization “ should do ” and what that organization actually “ can do .” Some solutions are too expensive or operationally difficult to implement , and you should avoid solutions that are beyond the organization ’ s resources . Important : Identify the constraints that will limit the solutions available . Is each alternative executable given these constraints ?
4 . Implementations : Analyze ImplementationsThis portion of the case study analysis requires that you identify and analyze the structure and control systems that the company is using to implement its business strategies . Evaluate organizational