AC 502 help A Guide to career/Snaptutorial AC 502 help A Guide to career/Snaptutorial | Page 6

by the IRS or U.S. government. Should the accounting-client privilege be expanded (as it is in law and medical fields)? Why or why not? If the accounting- client privilege were to be expanded, how would that affect the accountant’s whistle-blowing responsibility? 4) Conclude your paper with a discussion of priority. Accountants are liable to a variety of individuals/groups: clients, government, shareholders, community, etc. What or who should take priority? Obviously, accountants have a responsibility to obey the law, but where does priority lie beyond the rules and regulations? For example, consider a situation in which a company has organized their books in a way that does not technically break the law, but that could be confusing to investors/shareholders. A scenario such as this involves each of the three major parties to which the accountant is liable. Find a real-life example to support your conclusion. ========================================================