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Unit 1 Chapter Problems
Perform Chapter 1 Problem 48 ( page 1-40 in the text ), Chapter 2 Problem 41 ( page 2-41 in the text ), and Chapter 3 Problems 1 , 2 , 29 ( Pages 3-41 , 3-44 in the text )
Chapter 1
Problem 48
48 . LO . 7 Some tax rules can be justified on multiple grounds ( e . g ., economic and social ). In this connection , comment on the possible justification for the rules governing the following :
Hoffman , William H .; Smith , James E . ( 2014-04-04 ). South-Western Federal Taxation 2015 : Individual Income Taxes ( Page 1-40 ). Cengage Learning . Kindle Edition .
Chapter 2
Problem 41
41 . LO . 6 What is the primary purpose of effective tax planning ? Explain .
Chapter 3
Problem 1
1 . LO . 1 Rearrange the following items to show the correct formula for arriving at taxable income of