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ABUSE knows no bounds
ABUSE Magazine wants to congratulate Ryan Lecus , a senior at Union Grove High School in Union Grove Wisconsin . ABUSE Magazine and our staff wants to congratulate him for winning the ABUSE Scholarship and we encourage him to pursuit his academic goals . We also would like to encourage future seniors to participate in our essay contest .
abusemagazine . org
Abuse , a nasty word that has the power to destroy lives and knows no bounds . It can also affect us in ways that can shake the base of who we are as individuals . Knowing that abuse is not ok is a start from helping issues , but to take it a step further and actually stop or prevent abuse is key to bettering our lives . In the past I have been a victim of mental abuse and have known friends that have been victims of physical abuse , I have also known people with drug abuse problems so I can say from personal experience that knowing how to deal with situations before things get out of hand will prevent you from making wrong choices .
In my opinion , one of the worse types of abuse is mental . I ’ m not trying to say by any means that the other two are any less serious , but it is the most difficult one to deal with and also the most difficult one to prove . A situation , in which I was being mentally abused , was when I had no choice but to be in the company of miserable people . It is my belief that these people were so unhappy they wanted me to be the same . I would always hear about how useless I was , about how I was nothing and will always amount to nothing . This occurred on an everyday basis , so I handled the situation by going to my father and I told him exactly what was being said and done and how I felt about it . Not much time went by and he took care of it and I no longer have to deal with these people . When I look back on it , I think that I handled the situation very well , I never got violent and I never lashed out at them .
The next form of abuse I would like to cover is physical abuse . As I have previously said , mental abuse is the most difficult to deal with as well as poof of mental abuse , physical abuse is the total opposite from mental abuse . It is one of the most easy to prove , that is because it usually leaves marks and there is physical evidence that abuse happened . The best way to deal with physical abuse is to go to the police as soon as possible so that they can take a report of anything serious . I don ’ t have any relevant experiences where I was the victim of physical abuse although I have had friends that have . A few years back I had a friend who had a boyfriend who was under the influence of drugs and alcohol . The tow got into an argument and he hit her , I told her to just break up with him and leave it at that , now looking back I would have told her to report it right away and let the police take care of it . Since this happened when I was younger I didn ’ t really know what to do , all I can say is that she ’ s lucky that after she broke up with he didn ’ t bother her anymore . If I could do things differently , I would have told her to file a police report just to make sure that something got done to ensure that it wouldn ’ t happen again .
Lastly , I would like to discuss drug abuse . Yes , using drugs and alcohol is abuse and it is so because it can wreak havoc on your body . It is important to be aware of because the possible side effects very possibly lead to the death of the person abusing a substance or who is ever around that person . There used to be a guy I was
friends with who was a heavy drinker and partier . He started getting into marijuana and other really bad drugs . I told him that I wasn ’ t going to hang out with him anymore if he continued to do what he was doing because there were times that I didn ’ t feel safe around him . Last I heard he went to jail , he messed up big time and will probably live a very challenging life because of it . If I could have changed what I did , I would have tried a little harder to get him some help .
As we now know , abuse is a horrible thing that can take on many different forms . It has the power to damage us on many different levels and in some cases can ruin our lives . It is so important to know what to do in these situations because it can sometimes prevent abuse from happening as well as stop abuse if it has already started . Just remember , if you or someone you know is a victim of abuse , don ’ t be afraid to get help .