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TEEN DRINKING & DRIVING Teenage Drunk Driving Statistics In recent times, drinking and driving has become a serious issue among teenagers in the United States. In order to drive safely, a person has to be alert, capable to make decisions based of incidents happening around and execute them. This coordination while driving becomes difficult, especially under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol leads to loss of coordination, poor judgment, slowing down of reflexes and distortion of vision, all of which invariably lead to an accident. The statistics related to alcohol and driving indeed depict a gruesome picture about the entire phenomenon. The statistics of drunk driving compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Trans- Source: www.buzzle.com/articles/teen-drinking-and-driving-factsteenage-drunk-driving-statistics.html portation, produce some staggering facts about drunk driving. Out of 12,998 drinking driving fa