ABUSE MAGAZINE nd The Bees DID YOU KNOW Photo Source: sg DID YOU KNOW That some STDs never go away? STD stands for sexually transmitted disease. STIs may turn into STDs when the infection has caused damage to your reproductive system. Bacterial STDs are effectively treated with antibiotics but the viral STDs (like Herpes and HIV) never go away. Once you get it, it’s yours for life. DID YOU KNOW Photo Source: www.essentialmums.co.nz Guys and girls bond when they’re sexually intimate? Market The more you do physically (hugging, kissing, and even sex), the stronger your emotional bond becomes. Researchers have found oxytocin and vasopressin are powerful hormones that help guys and girls become very close with their partners. Your body helps you bond when you’re sexually intimate. Photo Source: www.nimcoinc.com 925 West Bridge Street Blackfoot, ID 208-785-0555 We support preventative education for our kids and community! DID YOU KNOW Abstinence is the BEST choice for your sexual health? Abstinence means waiting to have sex until you’re married. If two virgins get married and have sex, and neither one has been exposed to an STD, there’s no way they can create an STD! The Center for Disease Control agrees that abstinence is the BEST choice for your sexual health. Also, think about how you could protect your heart. If those bonding hormones are making you feel really close and trusting of your boyfriend or girlfriend, how would a break up affect you? Wait until you have the commitment of marriage for sex. Think about your future wedding night. You could tell your partner that you started waiting for them before you even met them! Hope Pregnancy Center www.mightbepregnant.com 565 Jensen Grove Drive Blackfoot, ID 208-785-6937 “Blackfoot Walmart is proud to be a drug free workplace! We care about our kids and community!” 630 5th St. • Rupert, ID 208-436-5342 1-800-550-4900 BIRTHRIGHT OF RUPERT www.birthright.org “We care” EMERGENCY PREGNANCY SUPPORT SERVICE • FREE PREGNANCY TESTS • CONFIDENTIAL abusemagazine.org | Idaho Spring/Summer 2014 | 43