Photo Source: www.bluelight.org
“Triple C”:
This stands for Coricidin HBP Cough and
Cold. “The triple C” or “CCC” is something that we are seeing a lot of, and that
is specific to Coricidin, but anything with
DXM is being abused most commonly by
teens, because it is so accessible.
“Special K”:
A medication used as an anesthetic in humans
and animals, ketamine is sometimes abused as
a “club drug.” It can cause hallucinations and
euphoria in higher doses.
Synonyms or slang terms include: “vitamin
K”, breakfast cereal, cat valium, horse tranquilizer, K, Ket, new ecstasy, psychedelic
heroin, and super acid.
The stimulant methamphetamine. Synonyms/slang terms include: meth, speed,
chalk, white cross, fire, and glass. Crystal
methamphetamine is also referred to as
Photo Source: gawker.com
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Crystal meth is smoked, but meth can be
injected, snorted, or taken as a pill.
“Antifreeze”: Heroin
Slang/Synonyms include: Big H, brown
sugar, dope, golden girls, H, horse, junk,
poison, skag, smack, sweet dreams, tar,
and train, according to researchers.
This is a verb that means to get high and
drunk at the same time.
Cocaine. Slang/Synonyms include: Charlie,
crack, coke, dust, flake, freebase, lady, nose
candy, powder, rock, rails, snowbirds, toot,
white, and yahoo, according to researchers.
“After all this time, alcohol and pot
are still the most used drugs by teens, but
cocaine is really a strong third, especially
with females, because of the weight issue,”
says Janice Styer, MSW, a clinical coordinator-addictions counselor at Caron Treatment
Center in Wernersville, Pa.
“The drug of choice among women
with eating disorders is almost invariably
cocaine.” A stimulant, cocaine can decrease
abusemagazine.org | Idaho Spring/Summer 2014 |