HOW TO AVOID BEING BULLIED How to Avoid No one wants to be bullied. No one should be bullied. However, it happens every day in middle school. Bullies feel insecure about themselves. FOLLOW THIS GUIDE TO IMPROVE YOUR CHANCES OF AVOIDING BULLIES. s d n e Fri er h Makteick Toget &S 1 Note that body language is extremely important. Do not look at your feet when you walk. Do not bite your nails (it is an animal instinct of nervousness). Do not walk with your hands in your pockets. Examine your current habits: do any of them make you seem smaller, weaker or less physically capable? If so, change them to something that will make you appear larger and more confident. Tell Bullies to Do Not Reply to Texting Be Confident 26 | Idaho Spring/Summer 2014 | abusemagazine.org 2 Keep in mind that self esteem is even more important but harder to attain. You are a very important person. You matter! You matter to your parents, teachers and relatives. Self-confidence may be the only thing that separates you from the most popular kid in school. 3 Do not attempt to throw comebacks unless you are incredibly adept. Bullies practice their comebacks on other kids all day everyday. You probably don’t and you will merely say something that they will use against you. Source: http://www.wikihow.com/Avoid-Being-Bullied-in-Middle-School