This brings me to an important point– I wanted to involve my friends and wanted the ritual to
include more than the spoken word. However, that was my choice at that time. Your choice will
likely be different.
By leading a ritual you share a part of you with a group of friends, both new and old – it gives
you a rush that is much easier to experience than it is to describe.
Vee’s elegy was followed by the ancient story associated with the Winter Solstice festival of
Alban Arthan and then proceeded along traditional lines that involve the sharing of mead and
The Closing
As the energy builds through the Opening and the Rite, the Closing is its apotheosis, the point
at which the built up energy is shared and embedded in the body. It is where a ritual group
really comes together, thanks is given and the circle is closed. Like the Opening, this section
tends to follow a particular format but as with most things Pagan, in the absence of established
dogma, anything goes.
3. The After Party
In this case, David Nundy kindly opened up the Avalon Room for the group to reconvene, eat,
drink and be merry.