From the Muse Volume 1 " The Fairie Realms"
Who are the Fairies
part 2 ...The 'Treeing Exercise'
Now sit back and relax. Repeat this five times out loud:
Guardian Spirit of the tree,
Here my call and come to me.
Help me feel what I must feel,
So I can learn to truly see.
Close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply.
Remember, or imagine, the biggest tree that you can think of.
You are standing in front of it. See its branches stretching right up to the sky.
Beneath its wide trunk, its roots are spreading deep into the earth.
Mirror the tree in your mind. Arms raised..the main branches spreading out from your head
and arms.. your toes becoming roots and spreading deep into the ground.
Like the tree, you are drawing energy down from the light and up from the earth.
You are a vast network of energy just like the tree. Feel the positive, healing energy flowing
through you.
Merge with the tree for a little while, and notice any images, sounds or feelings.
Thank the tree, and slowly separate, then draw your roots and branches back into your body
and sit still until you feel ready to open your eyes.
When you get an opportunity, bring this book to the park or woodland and lay under a tree to
repeat the exercise. Repeating this a few times will help you to attune to the fairies.
By Patrick Kavanagh