Abus Coritani Review Spring 2014 vol 6 | Page 23

23 properties of the ingredients, and you get to take home your own hand made incense. Whether you're an absolute beginner or a return visitor it is always worth doing and excellent value for money. And I challenge you to leave without buying anything from Mandy's shop! By Libby Hood Editors note: And now for something completely different! Just to show we are able to laugh at ourselves, and certainly no disrespect meant to anyone as we have every conceivable lineage amongst our membership! An amusing thread following a discussion on a 'Wiccan' facebook page (names have been changed to protect the innocent … and the guilty!) Following a discussion on a Wiccan Facebook page back in November of 2012 in which some members are hell bent on the importance of 'lineage' ie. you cannot be called 'Wiccan' unless you have been initiated into a coven and the initiators lineage goes back to Gerald Gardner. Gardnerian and Alexandrian wicca are accepted by the group but anything else is not the 'real deal'.