This article was originally published in The HedgeWytch . No . 36 Samhain / November 2006 pp9- 11 . Copyright Griffith 2006 . Reproduction without permission is prohibited .
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Beltane Beauty
Yesterday was the day we had set for our groups Beltane celebration and the weather forecast was not too great . During the morning we had a couple of heavy showers , and at one point even sleet ! I trusted to the fact though , that in around 4 years we had never had anything more than a light , short shower during a ritual , so I just had to trust that the weather magic would work once again , I was not disappointed ! When we needed it there was warm , beautiful sunshine .
When we got to the Saxon House site we were met by our lovely hosts , and good friends Jude and Steve , dressed in their Saxon clothes for the event .
We then went to the Grove where the ceremony would take place , in order to set up the circle .