Absolute Power by Ellen G. White 1 | Page 5

The emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Pius Felix Augustus , most honourable priest of the Unconquered god Sol Elagabalus , Pontifex Maximus , in his fourth tribunician power , three times consul , father of the fatherland , son of the deified Antoninus , grandson of the deified Severus , and Marcus Aurelius Alexander , most noble Caesar , partner in the empire and priesthood restored this building , collapsed through age ( 221 A . D .)
Chapter II . 2 The Roman Government of Britain , 2005 Anthony R . Birley
The spiritual venality of the Roman harlot , her trade in the souls of men and in the lucrative article of their crimes invite and would almost oblige to an inquiry into the depravity promoted by her penitential doctrine and discipline … the subjects of them are to be matter of study and continued rumination ; that shame , reserve and natural modesty are reprobated , and to be dismissed or overcome ; and that a particularity is to be observed tending almost necessarily to banish all the safeguards of virtue , and to create crime , together with a callosity in the commission of it , which constitutes the last stage of human depravity …
Preface The Spiritual Venality of Rome : Taxe Sacre Penitentiarie Apostolice , 1836 Joseph Mendham