Absa RUN YOUR CITY TSHWANE 10K Digimag August 2023 | Page 46




Getting your fuel , fluid and rehydration right for your 10K race is easy , especially if you do a bit of shopping at official event partner Woolworths !
1 Fuel
Carbohydrates are the main fuel for endurance races , as they ’ re a quick source of energy that the body can readily use . However , if you ’ re exercising for less than 90 minutes , there is no need to ‘ carbo-load ,’ as it ’ s unlikely you ’ ll deplete the fuel in your body in the time it takes to complete the distance . Ideal is a well-balanced pre-race meal or snack that consists of a carbohydrate base and a moderate amount of protein , is low in fat and low in fibre .
Protein , fat and fibre may slow digestion and keep you fuller for longer , so try to eat about two hours before the race , so that you have time to digest the meal and avoid running on a full stomach . If you ’ re competing in an early morning race , like the Absa RUN YOUR CITY DURBAN 10K , this may not be so easy , so if you only have 30 to 60 minutes of digestion time , pouches of pureed food are quick to eat and easy to digest . Caffeinated beverages may also be consumed about an hour before the start of the race for an extra boost . Some individuals are caffeine sensitive so it ’ s best to test tolerance before training runs and not on race day .
Meal suggestions :
• Toast / rice cakes with peanut butter and banana .
• Smoothie made with low-fat yoghurt , fruit and nut butter .
• Fruit with low-fat yoghurt and nuts .
• Hard-boiled egg and sliced banana with almond butter .
• Tuna or chicken breast sandwich with light mayonnaise .
• Low-fat chunky cottage cheese with sliced banana on toast .
Click here to see the full selection of Energy Bars , Bites & Pouches available at Woolworths .
2 Fluid
During aerobic activity like running , the body loses fluids through sweat in order to regulate body temperature . The amount of sweat varies depending on the intensity and duration of the exercise and environmental conditions , like temperature and humidity . Your individual rate and degree of sweating also play a role . Therefore , maintain hydration the night before the race , and drink approximately 400ml to 500ml of water two hours before the race . Also , avoid alcohol the night before a race , as it can cause dehydration .
You may not need to drink fluids at all during a 10km race if you are well hydrated before . However , if it ’ s a hot day or you feel thirsty , take sips of water or a sports drink at the water stations along the course . Small amounts of fluids are better tolerated than larger volumes during a run .
Handy Hint : The colour of your urine is a good indicator of your hydration status – aim for pale , straw-coloured urine . Dark urine may indicate dehydration .
3 Finish
After the race , replenish fluid , carbohydrates , protein and electrolytes with a plain or flavoured milk , drinking yoghurt or a smoothie ( made with milk , yoghurt or nut butter ).
Click here to check out all the dairy drinks available at Woolworths
Try Our Smoothie Recipes
Banana Coffee Cashew and Cocoa Smoothie
• 2 tbsp cocoa powder
• a pinch salt
• a pinch ground cardamom
• 3 tbsp oats , preferably soaked overnight
• 1 / 4 cup raw cashews , preferably soaked overnight
• 1 / 2 cup black coffee , cooled
• 16 medjool dates , pitted
• 1 banana , preferably frozen
• Using the smoothie or ice crush setting on a blender , purée all the ingredients together with ½ cup of ice until smooth .
• Serve immediately .
Tropical Smoothie Bowl Ingredients
• 2 mangoes , peeled and cubed
• 3 bananas , peeled and sliced diagonally into rounds
• ice
• goji berries , to serve
• coconut flakes , for sprinkling
• bananas , to serve
• cashew nuts , to serve
• Combine the mango , banana and coconut milk and ice , if using , in a blender and blend until smooth .
• Pour into bowls and decorate with the toppings ( coconut flakes , banana chips or fresh banana , goji berries , breakfast seeds and cashew nuts ).
Green Smoothie Bowl Ingredients
• 1 frozen banana
• 100 g baby spinach
• 1 avocado , thinly sliced
• 1 shredded large granny smith apple , sliced into 3 discs
• 1 bottle cold pressed green juice
• fresh blueberries , for serving
• pumpkin seeds , to scatter
• kiwi fruit , for garnishing
• fresh mint , to serve
• Combine the spinach , avo , banana , apple and green juice in a blender and blend until smooth .
• Pour into bowls and decorate with the toppings ( blueberries , pumpkin seeds , kiwi fruit and fresh mint ).
Click here to find all the ingredients for these smoothie recipes here , or mix and match your own recipes from all the great ingredient available at Woolworths !
46 Run Your City Series