Absa RUN YOUR CITY TSHWANE 10K Digimag August 2023 | Page 44


Time to

A good stretch is much more than just that great feeling when you wake up . It is important to do a few targeted stretches before you start your Absa RUN YOUR CITY CAPE TOWN 10K , and soon after finishing your race . – Brought to you by the Sport Science Institute of South Africa ( SSISA )
Pre-race Stretches
Stretching before a run helps reduce the risk of injury and cramping as the muscles will be ready to move and contract effectively . Stretching also helps reduce post-run soreness . An effective warm-up before a run will include dynamic movements to use the quadriceps , hamstrings and hip flexors , and get blood flowing faster . It is important to stretch before the race dynamically .
1 Calf Stretch
Stand with one foot forward in front of the other and keep one leg back with your knee straight and your heel flat on the floor . Slowly bend your front knee and move your hips forward until you feel a stretch in your calf . Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds . Switch leg positions and repeat with the other leg .
2 Standing Quad Stretch
Stand on one leg . If you need support , hold onto something solid , such as a wall or chair . Bend your right knee and bring your heel toward your buttock and reach for your ankle with your opposite hand . Stand up straight and try to keep your knees next to each other . As you hold your leg in the bent position , you will feel a slight pull along the front of your thigh and hip . Repeat on other side and hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds .
3 Hamstring Stretch / Scoops
Stand on the right foot and extend the left leg out , keeping the knee straight . Bend forward and touch toward the foot , stretching the back of the thigh . Hold for 5 seconds and alternate legs for 8 to 10 reps .
4 Glute Stretch
Stand tall , with your feet hip-distance apart , your core engaged , and your shoulders back . Shift your weight to your left foot and lift your right foot from the ground , crossing it over your left thigh . Allow your right hip and knee to open outward . Keep your torso straight and lean slightly forward as you press your hips back and bend your left knee , lowering into a partial squat . Repeat on both sides and hold for 20 to 30 seconds .
5 Adductor Lunge Stretch
Stand in a wide stance position and bend your one knee and move your hips to that side . Keep the back straight and shift the weight over the side by placing the hands on the hips . You should feel the stretch on the inside of your opposite thigh . Hold 20 to 30 seconds and repeat on the other side .
6 Dynamic Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
Kneel on your right knee , place your left foot flat on the floor in front of you , knee bent . Lean forward slightly and stretch your right hip toward the floor . Lift both hands up towards the ceiling and rock back and forth with your hips . Repeat on other side for 20 to 30 seconds .
44 Run Your City Series