Absa RUN YOUR CITY TSHWANE 10K Digimag August 2023 | Page 23




( Blurb ) Congratulations on entering the Absa RUN YOUR CITY TSHWANE 10K ! Here are your final instructions before you line up on 27 August 2023 to # RunYourCity .
1 . Race Pack Collection & EXPO will be held at Rembrandt Hall , University of Pretoria , Hillcrest Campus , South Street , Hatfield , Pretoria , on the following days
• Friday 25 August ( 09:00 – 19:00 )
• Saturday 26 August ( 09:00 – 14:00 ) Note : No Race Pack Collection on event day .
2 . Free parking is available to race entrants during Race Pack Collection in the parking areas at the University of Pretoria .
3 . Before arriving at Race Pack Collection , ensure you have the following with you :
• The SMS confirming your entry , race number .
• Your ID or Passport or any other identification document .
4 . If you are collecting on behalf of another runner , you need to bring along the following :
• Confirmation of entry .
• Authorisation that you may collect their race pack on their behalf – the Authorisation Form can be downloaded here .
• The SMS confirming their entry and race number .
• A copy of their ID or Passport , or any other identification document .
5 . Once you have completed the registration process , we encourage you to enjoy the EXPO experience .
2 . Note : You may not attach your race number to your running shorts .
3 . You may not transfer your race number and / or timing chip to another runner . Any runner who is found guilty of breaking this rule will be banned from the race for one year , in addition to being disqualified from the current year . This is an important safety measure and in the interests of your safety !
1 . Your timing chip is attached to your race number and linked to your personal profile .
2 . Your chip is not transferable to another runner , as it is personalised for your use only .
3 . The timing chip is to stay on your race number . Do not attempt to remove it . No chip , no result – no exceptions .
4 . Remember to attach your Race Number to your running vest / T-shirt before you leave for the race to prevent it being left at home .
1 . Please take note of the road closures and access controls for the Absa RUN YOUR CITY TSHWANE 10K , as this may affect your access to and from the event . You ’ ll find the full list of road closures here .
1 . Time your arrival to ensure that you are well in advance of your allocated batch start time .
2 . Time your arrival to ensure that you are well in advance of your allocated batch start time .
3 . DO NOT leave valuables in your vehicle .
1 . The race number that you collect at Race Pack Collection must be worn at all times on race day , and without alteration , with the following provisos :
Club Runners
• Display your ASA licence number on the front and back of your club vest or T-shirt .
• Place the event race number over the front ASA licence number , with the header of the ASA number visible .
Non-Club Runners
• Display your race number on the front of your T-shirt .
• Display your ASA temporary licence number on the back of your T-shirt .