ABS 417 All Assignments ABS 417 All Assignments | Page 13

Consider from the authors of the course text the following quote: “Progressive social change is about defending the weak from the strong, gaining resources to reduce human hardship, and striving to promote an equitable society. It is about battling for economic and social justice, working to protect and enhance civil liberties, and respecting the environment” (Rubin & Rubin, 2008, p. 433). Begin your paper with a discussion of Community or Progressive Organizing, as you understand it at this point in the course. Review your areas of strength as an organizer. Considering the above quote, select a social problem or cause that you could address as a social change agent. Explain what motivates you to support this cause. Some suggestions/examples are: Pollution leading to disease Homelessness Treatment of immigrants Treatment of mentally ill Treatment of oppressed groups Lack of health insurance/access to needed services Disabled and access to services Unemployment Use of animals for testing School programs