ABS 200 Week 1 DQ 2 Clinical Psychology ABS 200 Week 1 DQ 2 Clinical Psychology

ABS 200 Week 1 DQ 2 Clinical Psychology Click Below Link To Purchase http://www.foxtutor.com/product/abs-200-week- 1-dq-2-clinical-psychology Clinical Psychology. Prior to completing this discussion, please be certain that you have completed the required readings in Chapters 1 through 3 of your required text, read the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct on the APA website, and reviewed any relevant Instructor Guidance. This discussion has two options from which you will choose one to complete. After selecting one of the options please indicate which one you chose in your response. Option A: Karen confides in you that she feels “down” all the time. She feels hopeless, finds no enjoyment in life (sleep, food, sex, friends, etc.) and is having thoughts of suicide. Based on your study this week, address each of the following: Identify if Karen is suffering from major depression or bipolar depression.