ABS 200 Week 1 DQ 1 Applied Psychology
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Applied Psychology. Prior to completing this discussion, please interact
with the Applied Psychology learning object located in the left
navigation bar for this week, ensure that you have read the required
chapters in your text, and review any relevant Instructor Guidance,
which will help prepare you for this activity.
Identify your degree program (e.g., psychology, education, applied
behavioral sciences) and what you hope to do after graduation. Then,
based on your review of the course materials for the week, define
applied psychology in your own words and describe how evidence-
based practice informs your intended profession. Address the following
as you respond:
Why do we do what we do in a given job?
Do we progress t hrough trial and error, or do we base our efforts on
previous research? Some of both? Remember, evidence-based practice
refers to things we do or use based on proof from research.
Provide examples to illustrate or support your descriptions