aBr November 2014 | Page 58

Solar Power 2014 Sasol Solar Challenge Lights Up South Africa ➲ Sasol Solar Challenge It all began on Saturday 27 September, with the participants starting off at the CSIR in Pretoria. Seven days later, ten solar powered cars crossed the finish line in Cape Town. D elft University’s Nuon Solar Team from the Netherlands clinched the title as the winners of the competition. The team clocked an impressive total distance of 4 227.8km, nearly 1 500km more than their closest competitor. The Anadolu Solar Team from Turkey came in second, whilst third place was secured by Team UKZN. Following closely in fourth position was North West University, with the University of Johannesburg (UJ) team clinching fifth spot. Maragon Private School held their own against participating university teams, with an impressive sixth place. “This exciting challenge has brought the world’s leading minds in the field of solar technology together and the final results truly showcase the strides that have been made in the development of innovative technology,” says Winstone Jordaan, Sasol Solar Challenge director. The technology and innovation award went to UJ. “This team took brave steps to rather build a smaller car with more technologically advanced solar panels. While they had their share of challenges, we applaud the bravery and initiative taken to put this te chnology to the test,” notes Jordaan. ➲ Nuon Solar Team The Sasol Solar Challenge also incorporated an education programme involving nearly 200 schools on the route. Learners received an education kit which explained how solar powered vehicles work and materials that enabled them to build their own model solar car. Activations at towns along the route were used as a platform for primary school learners to experience the fun side of solar energy, seeing its application in the real world. “We believe it is important for South Africa to be part of developing future technologies to benefit the world over. While the purpose of the event is to promote research into sustainable transport and showcase technologies - our underlying goal is to use the event to spark the interest of young people and particularly school learners in key educational subjects,” says Wrenelle Stander, Sasol senior vice president: Public and Regulatory Affairs. ➲ Fay Hoosain, senior vice president at Sasol and minister of Science and Technology Naledi Pandor signal the start of the 2014 Sasol Solar Challenge | words in action 56 november 2014 “By showing learners how the application of mathematics and science can be fun and involving, we aim to dispel the notion that these subjects are difficult and boring but that they in fact open endless exciting possibilities for their future,” she adds.