aBr November 2014 | Page 56

South African Automotive Week Part of the Internet of Things – your Partner for the Future The South African Automotive Week’s trade show section had a wide array of fascinating stands, and one of the most fascinating was the T-Systems stand. aBr visited them to find out more. W e interviewed point of differentiation, Michael Frans, and leveraging benefits head of business off the ‘connected car’ development for the concept. IT can also automotive sector at T-Systems assist with process South Africa, and Heinz Egeler, optimisation and vice president, automotive cost reduction in fleet global supplier at T-Systems management and International GmbH, and logistics, amongst other within minutes I had entered benefits. the new world of the internet T-Systems, part of of things. For those who Deutsche Telekom, like me are chronologically is ideally suited to challenged, or more accurately be the partner to the chronologically burdened, let industry. Drawing on a ➲ Michael Frans and Heinz Egeler at the T-Systems stand at SAAW me enlighten you what the global infrastructure of internet of things means, with data centres and networks, T-Systems the aid of Wikipedia: “the Internet of Things lower fuel consumption and a greener operates information and communication (IoT) is the interconnection of uniquely environment, giving rise to Electric technology (ICT) systems for multinational identifiable embedded computing devices Cars or e-cars. This is possible through corporations and public sector within the existing Internet infrastructure. collaboration between energy providers, institutions. Typically, IoT is expected to offer advanced information technology (IT) enterprise T-Systems provides integrated solutions connectivity of devices, systems, and and automotive manufacturers, creating for the networked future of business services that goes beyond machine-toa powerhouse of innovation and and society. Some 50,000 employees at machine communications (M2M) and possibilities that can reduce the cost T-Systems combine industry expertise covers a variety of protocols, domains, of travelling whilst lessening the impact and ICT innovations to add significant and applications. The interconnection on our environment. It’s all about the value to the digitisation strategies and of these embedded devices (including importance of IT across the spectrum of core business of customers all over the smart objects), is expected to usher in manufacturing, assembling, processes, world. automation in nearly all fields, while also planning, forecasting, and everything in enabling advanced applications.” between, and positively impacting costs Since the inception of T-Systems in and quality. South Africa in 1997, the company has Now that you are suitably enlightened, cemented its position as one of the most you will be able to understand what Frans To do all this effectively requires the successful T-Systems companies outside and Egeler mean when they say that their intervention of a partner that is globally of Europe. A leading ICT outsourcing mission is “to make the motor vehicle part connected and positioned to provide service provider locally, T-Systems offers of the internet of things.” And they have to strategic direction, as well as being end-to-end ICT solutions in both the do this in an increasingly fluid environment, able to contribute towards lowering the ICT Operations and Systems Integration and with automotive manufacturers cost of production as well as research markets. looking to find innovative and new ways of and development, and delivering an differentiating themselves by streamlining important competitive edge. Examples Their extensive portfolio of services processes and reducing costs within of innovation are 3D printing platforms, covers the vertical, horizontal, IT and their dealer networks and supply chains. and opportunities within the e-car space, TC space. T-Systems South Africa’s Efficient information and communication encompassing such things as backend head office is located in Midrand with technology systems are at the heart of this. platforms that enable public charging another major office in Cape Town, and payment and management systems, the T-Systems says that further impacting the 20 further representative offices in provision of e-car charging stations as a automotive industry is the move towards locations throughout southern Africa. | words in action 54 november 2014