aBr November 2014 | Page 41

BRAKEBOOK PRINT ON DEMAND 1. Remove the front wheels and check the front brake pads. Check both inner and outer pads. You should not take a long trip if you have less than 3mm life left on your pads. 2. Remove the rear wheels and check either the rear brake pads or the rear brake shoes. The rear pads should not have less than 3mm life left as per the front brake pads check. Service the guide pins and bushes. Clean and apply a copper based lubricant generously in these areas. 3. Hand brake cables should also be checked for freedom of operation. If they are sticking, the outer casings are cracked or missing and show signs of breaking, they should be replaced. 4. Have your brake fluid boiling point tested. Anything less than 200˚c in the test indicates that you should replace the brake fluid. 5. Ensure that the brake booster is functioning correctly by turning off the engine and pumping the brake pedal until all vacuum has been expelled. Apply pressure on the pedal with your foot and start the engine. As the vacuum in the booster increases the pedal should go down slightly. If this does not happen, the booster may be faulty or there is a problem in the vacuum sup ǒ