This also applies to the 1.3 million strong public sector
labour force, only they don’t seem to understand this.
For when going by appearances, all they need to
do is threaten and the state will provide. Of course,
it isn’t the state that pays their salaries, but the rest
of society, either through taxes or higher borrowing,
or being denied services or infrastructure now being
consumed through unproductive remuneration.
And states can be bankrupted if history is any guide,
and taxpayer revolts are as common as peasant
revolts, the latest example locally being e-tolling.
As to other labour onslaughts, I hear men are now
demanding 10 days paternity leave. I am all for
maternity leave, but when it comes to paternity I
wonder. Especially higher-ups, with cushy jobs and
high incomes, in large private businesses, whether
local or foreign owned, or in the public sector,
where employment becomes guaranteed short of
malfeasance (and even on occasion with it), may
get tempted to get too innovative for their own and
our good. For there are 52 weeks in a year, meaning
260 potential workdays, except higher-ups do much
less. There is the 30-day leave cycle, 10 days of
public holidays, and 20 days of sick leav