aBr MOVE October 2014 Oct 2014 | Page 3

Introduction What’s the move aBrMove? Introducing our all comprehensive, B2B logistics and supply chain magazine, aBrMove! (Please visit our website www.abrmove.co.za to view the aBrMove Magazine online or to read is unlike any other logistics trade the latest stories online) publication currently in circulation in South Africa today in aBrMove has been part of aBr, an automotive that it covers the fascinating and highly-dynamic world of aftermarket magazine that has been South Africa’s logistics in its entirety, from shipping to trucking to supply premier B2B magazine for the last six years with a circulation in excess of 13000 per month. chain and everything in between. In October 2014 we shall be launching the first issue of The in-between is comprised of no less than ten aBr Move magazine as a separate enitity under the stew- logistics categories, making aBrMove the definitive ardship of a new but experienced team and we hope to usher A to Z logistics industry trade publication. in a new era of marketing and media coverage in the logistics and supply chain industries. T he exciting A4 magazine is delivered to the top decision-makers and leaders within the several logistics categories and the major manufacturers, importers, wholesalers and distributors, meaning that advertis- ing messages are delivered to the very professionals that help We value your opinion, so please drop us an email should you wish to comment on anything in this magazine or on industry matters at [email protected]. shape business in South Africa. In essence aBrMove is the premium magazine for logistics people and people who need logistical services. Kind Regards, aBrMove Team The magazine is ably backed up by an interactive and responsive website, while free weekly electronic newsletters are delivered straight to the inboxes of the movers and shakers within logistics. july 2014 Driving Business www.abrmove.co.za The riSe of Logistics in Africa Celebrating, demystifying, and deconstructing a complex subject July | 2014 - Automotive Aftermarket www.abrmoto ring.com Formula One F1’s emergin g new talent Motorsport Historics return to spiritual home in southern Africa through the stable of publications Ford Mustang ’s Logistics conference 16 th Oc tOber 2014 aBrMove/SAAW 50th Anniversary New Vehicle launch see page 4 www.abrbuzz.co.za www.abrmove.co.za - Trucking and Logistics - Motoring Peugeot’s new 2008 www.abrmotoring.co.za Contact Details: [email protected] october 2014 • logistics in action • 1