aBr May 2014 | Page 71

DIAGNOSTIC SOLUTIONS & ELECTRICAL PARTS The NEW 2014 otc D730, replacement for the Autoboss V30 special offer R26 995 Plus free OBD scanner to the value of R3 900 The OTC D730 is only available from Direct Data the official Southern African distributor for Autoboss Key programming Key coding done for cars, trucks and bikes Remote repairs ECU coding/ programming Direct Data 11 Stott St (CNR Eloff Extension) Selby, Johannesburg, 011-0244191 011-4939985 083 571 9035 [email protected] Refurbished ECU’s Unit 48 Constantiaberg Business Park, 31 Princessvlei Road, Diep River, Cape Town 021-7050512 abr 2/14 All airflow meters, oxygen sensors, crank shaft sensors available