GMSA Foundation trustees visit CSI programmes
The General Motors South Africa
Foundation board of trustees recently
visited the education and housing projects
that the Foundation
spearheads in Nelson
Mandela Bay.
delivery on two of South Africa’s most
critical challenges – public schooling and
state-subsidised housing.
The Foundation is the
primary driver of the
company’s community
development activities
and has a proven track
record in partnering
with government and
other development
organisations to
facilitate effective
Seen here at the Fairview Link Housing
Project off William Moffat Express Way
in Port Elizabeth are from left, trustees,
Marshall Rapiya, Margie
Keeton, Denise van Huyssteen,
Roy Anderson, Roger Matlock
(Foundation General Manager),
Mario Spangenberg,
Anthony Ngcezula (CEO of
the Imizi Housing Company),
Peter Joubert and
Chris Thexton.
They were joined by members
of the Foundation’s housing
project team Linda van der Mey
and Clive Felix.
Millionaire to Billionaire
They came in their hundreds, all the aspiring millionaires and
billionaires, to hear how to get rich, from speakers such as Aki
Kalliatakis, Alex Granger, Mike Douglas, James Caan, et al. As
Mubeen Khan, CEO of ABEM welcomed the delegates, “Every
journey begins with a single step. Step up and defy the odds.
Unleash your limitless business potential. Life is about choices, and
you choosing to be here today is the start to changing your financial
future. Now is the time, the time to be inspired!
It was 26 April 2014, and it was at the Sandton Convention Centre,
and it was the M2B Conference. Created for business owners
who want to take their business to the next level, this content rich
conference was packed with presenters, all authorities in branding,
marketing, cutting edge financial management/controls, sales
& profit margin growth, business planning, customer retention,
strategies to raise capital and ultimately … the 10 building blocks
to create a billion rand company by Dragons Den UK Judge
James Caan. No matter the size of your business this content rich
conference delivered a minimum of 10 game changers, and sparking
ideas that change your financial landscape forever. Numerous South
African entrepreneurs travelled the world around to seek knowledge
from these luminaries and brought them to Johannesburg. A network
with the less than 1% who control the economy! And no matter the
creed, the colour, the class, they were there to hear.
| Wheels in Action
june 2014