Kudos for Kuruman
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Kuruman is a town steeped in religious imagery, which has
earned it the name as the ‘the fountain of Christianity’ in Africa.
This name comes from “Die Oog” (The Eye of Kuruman), which
is a geological feature that brings water from deep underground
to the surface, creating an oasis in the Kalahari Desert. Kuruman
is also the town where Rob ert Moffat, a Scottish missionary,
established the Moffat Church where he translated and printed
the entire Bible into the Setswana African language, and where
David Livingstone began his missionary work in 1841. And if that
was not enough for Kuruman to earn its credentials, it is also
home to well-known local author and Zulu traditional healer,
➲ Four ladies took “part” in the quiz show
Credo Mutwa, plus other peace seeking luminaries.
hus, when the Partinform trade show rolled into town on Wednesday
14 July 2014, to proselytise to the local automotive community about
the benefits of fitting quality branded product, it was maybe a case of
taking coals to Newcastle (or koans to Kuruman?), because the town is steeped
in the study of intuitive enlightenment, and therefore not very susceptible to
the offerings of snake oil salesmen, so the warnings from South Africa’s top
manufacturers may have already been heeded. In other words, inferior product
and cheap knock-offs cannot simply take root in a community which has
for centuries meditated on the paradoxes of life, and the importance of pure
Having said that, aBr was not going to miss the action in such a historic town,
and was there to observe as the good folk of Kuruman streamed into the hall
at the El Dorado Hotel, to partake in an evening of infotainment, technical
osmosis, product evaluation, market awareness, and networking of
note. And judging by the discussions overheard, and the number
of catalogues and technical bulletins under the arms of the
delegates as they left, it was a very successful evening.
| words in action
june 2014