cover feature
The climate wizard of Oz
Action Ford in Krugersdorp, one of Ford’s Middle East and Africa regional directive Greenfield dealerships,
recently became the first facility in Africa to use a new indirect counter-flow evaporative cooling system from
Action Motor Group Krugersdorp
Seeley International for controlling the climate on its 270 m2 showroom floor.
he unique to South Africa
cooling system, which
comprises three Seeley CWH15 Climate Wizards, draws in fresh
air and cools it by evaporating water,
without adding to the moisture content
in the air. This negates the creation of
a humid working environment. It’s also
possible for the Action Ford dealership
to leave its doors and windows open,
without affecting the efficiency of the
cooling system.
Climate Wizard is an indirect
evaporative cooler that delivers
large quantities of very cold air – for
a fraction of the energy used by
conventional refrigerated systems.
It works by drawing in hot outside air
and passing it through a series of wet
| words in action
june 2014
and dry channels. This allows natural
evaporation to cool the air. Warm,
moist air is expelled, while cooled, but
otherwise unchanged, air is delivered
into the building.
Like direct evaporative coolers, Climate
Wizard uses a single, electric motor
driven fan, water management system
and water distribution system.