Tight all along the line. The new Linear-Stopper
After the Wave comes the Line. With its new
Linear-Stopper™, which follows the successful
Wave-Stopper® technology, Dana’s development
department has introduced another innovative
stopper generation – a sealing element that
provides an insulating effect in addition to the
primary sealing function. This predestines the
Linear-Stopper for sealing concepts in the
exhaust train.
Faced with tighter packaging limitations, and the
reduction of CO2 and other harmful emissions,
gasket manufactures are continuously dealing
with new challenges. Apart from the cylinderhead gasket, the significance of the gaskets in
the exhaust train involving high and changing
temperatures is becoming increasingly important.
This area in particular has an enormous potential for
Dana has targeted the Linear-Stopper technology
precisely at this application area, where it is used
preferably for exhaust manifold gaskets and
turbocharger gaskets.
The Linear-Stopper –
basically a trapezoidal
stopper with increased
stiffness – is usually
located around the bolt
hole, where its bead is in
the force shunt.
In this way, and depending on bead type, the
recovery behavior of the compressed bead in the
force shunt can be practically doubled. The result:
an overall improvement in sealing potential.
Moreover, the Linear-Stopper technology permits
a high freedom of design under optimum utilization
of the available installation space. Hereby, the
trapezoidal contour has a straight form, whereby the
ideal line orientation is in the longitudinal direction
of the exhaust manifold to permit the flange faces
to “slide.”
In addition to its improved sealing function, the
Linear-Stopper also features “air gap insulating”
properties. Measurements conducted by Dana
development engineers, together with the experts of
an international automobile manufacturer, supplied
impressive proof of this functionality.
In a specific case, the gasket with Linear-Stopper
technology was installed between cylinder-head and
exhaust manifold, and resulted in improved response
and transient behavior of the turbocharger under
partial load.
In other words, due to the reduced transfer of heat
from the exhaust manifold to the cylinder head, the
energetic exploitation of the exhaust gas flow is
significantly increased.
The result is clear:
The gasket with
technology leads
to a substantial
➲ Exhaust manifold gasket
rise in the
with a Linear-Stopper
technology in the bolt area
between cylinder-head and flange faces of the
turbocharger. Measurements directly at the
turbocharger showed temperature increases of up
to 100°C when compared with the solutions from
Associated with this are possible fuel savings with
correspondingly lower CO2 emissions. In addition,
tests are being conducted to find out whether the
cooling performance of electric water pumps can be
reduced due to the lower flange temperatures at the
cylinder head.
The Victor Reinz Linear-Stopper shows that Dana’s
modern sealing concepts with innovative design
elements can achieve much more than “only”
providing a good seal. In the overall engine, and all
along the exhaust train, they provide effective support
in the efforts to find economic and sustainable drive
Agent in South Africa – INTRADE
Tel: 011-432-2667 • Fax: 011-432-3005 • E-Mail: [email protected]
abr 6/14
Thinking Pink with Willard Batteries
Willard Batteries has been on a roll
of late, pushing the boundaries both
in terms of its battery technology
and its social commitment. Last year,
Willard Batteries launched the Willard IQ
range which focused on exploring and
capturing different battery technologies
to meet these increasing demands of
South Africa’s motoring public.
In terms of its social responsibilities,
Willard Batteries has a well documented
legacy of its commitments to all things
green with its Go Green, Go Willard
campaign which garners funds for Food
&Trees for Africa through scrap battery
Willard Batteries’ latest campaign
involves the production of a limited
edition Pink Battery range.
k Pin
rd B
These batteries, which are entirely pink,
will be available for sale at selected retail
outlets and a portion of the proceeds will
be donated to Breast Cancer Community
Carer, PinkDrive.
PinkDrive powers South Africa’s first
mobile PinkDrive Mammography Unit
and PinkDrive Educational Unit through
the country, driving home the fact that
| words in action
june 2014
‘Early Detection Saves Lives’.
It currently runs two “Pink” mobile
breast check units, as well as three
educational cars. Both units travel to
semi-urban and urban areas around
South Africa with the aim of enabling
various disadvantaged communities
access to education, physical
examinations and how to do breast
The public, as well as employees of
the group and trade customers, have
been invited to take part in this initiative
by taking a “selfie” of them with their
new Pink Willard Battery, liking the
Willard Batteries Facebook page and
then uploading their selfie to the Willard
wall. They then stand a chance of
winning one of a number of pink mobile