lubricant feature
Protecting Engines since 1930
For more than 80 years Bosch has been developing and producing filters for motor vehicles and engines.
As one of the pioneers in this field, Bosch soon realized the importance of filters for engines and passengers
alike: Performance, fuel consumption and the service life of important vehicle components rely just as much
on the quality of the filters as does the driving comfort of the passengers.
he corporate development of
Bosch is closely linked to the
company’s desire to continually
develop and improve existing solutions.
In the automotive sector, this can be
traced right back to the magneto ignition
system – a solution that, in 1897, solved
one of the biggest technical headaches
plaguing the still fledgling automotive
sector. But this more powerful, more
reliable ignition system wasn’t the
only innovation that Robert
Bosch introduced to
improve automotive
prospects around
the world. In the
beginning, when
motorized travel
was still finding
its feet, blocked
carburetor jets due
to contaminated
fuel were one of the most
common causes of breakdowns.
Bosch fuel filters already solved this
problem more than 80 years ago.
They next proved their credentials with
the introduction of injection systems in
diesel engines. These systems brought
with them a new problem: Even relatively
small impurities in the fuel could block
supply lines, nozzles, and pumps,
paralyzing the vehicle. In 1936, Bosch
broke new ground and used a special
paper in its filters – a material that has
been constantly developed and remains
in use to this day thanks to its highly
effective filter action. Ever since, Bosch
has continuously driven forward the
development of filters for all types of
vehicles. Drawing on this exemplary
experience and ingenuity, Bosch is
currently advancing filter technology
and will continue to do so in future.
High-tech filters for
high-tech engines
State-of-the-art technology is used to
produce Bosch filters, as a result Bosch
filters are highly reliable in protecting all
the important and expensive components
on and inside your vehicle.
They keep dirt, abrasive and fine particles
– along with water in the case of diesel
engines – away from injection systems,
engines and occupants.
The home of knowledge: As a pioneer and
global leader for injection systems and
engine management systems, Bosch is the
definitive specialist for optimally adapted
filters. Development does not stand still in
the field of vehicles and engines.
Bosch is constantly working to further
develop filter technology. Bosch works
in close cooperation with vehicle
manufacturers to develop filters that, for
instance, support improved engine power
and lower fuel consumption or that meet
the particular requirements of biofuels and
hybrid vehicles.
| words in action
april 2014
The filter developers collaborate directly
with the developers of gasoline and
diesel systems – meaning they gain firsthand knowledge of the various system
requirements. The filter engineers are
even able to call on the test facilities and
expertise of their colleagues specializing
in gasoline and diesel to conduct
practical tests. As a result, the tests are
performed under real conditions and
deliver sound results.
Nowadays, filters play a significant role
in a vehicle’s performance, economy,
and emiss ion values. Start/stop systems
and hybrid vehicles place high demands
on fuel filters. The extra components
in the engine compartment mean that
space is at a premium, which means
even smaller filters are required.
The starting sequences – performed
up to 30 times more frequently in
these systems – cause high pressure
pulsations in the fuel pipe, which in
turn necessitate a sturdier filter design.
Innovations are also required to deal
with the increasing use of alternative
fuels, since biodiesel and E10 fuel, which
contains alcohol, may corrode the filter
components and reduce their service
life. Additionally, Microscopic analysis of
filter media characteristics they contain
a greater proportion of finely dissolved
water, which is more difficult to separate.
It is for these reasons that Bosch is
investing substantial resources in
developing sturdier sealing and housing
materials, improved filter media, and
new water separation technologies.
The current range of air, fuel, oil and
cabin filters from Bosch covers the most
popular applications of vehicles found
on South African roads and is constantly
being expanded.