AboutUS By Hotspotorlando #30 | Page 108

valorizando a silueta do corpo e contraste de geometria do material e curvas do corpo, através do material siliconizado usado na confecção, facilitando os movimentos como: andar sentar, dançar.... O Cursor de ziper: resultado com efeito metalizado com perfeito caimento no corpo devido a maleabilidade da técnica e material siliconizado. Eu me considero uma Artista Versátil, exploro minha criatividade com materiais inusitados. Crio conforme a necessidade do cliente adequando a minha criação futurística denominada "Wearable art" Quais são seus próximos passos? Tenho novos projetos que ainda estão em teste e planejamento. Faço sempre muitas coisas ao mesmo tempo. Não consigo me ver parada. Agora mesmo, estou terminando uma coleção feita com "cápsulas da Nespresso" O que mais quero é montar uma Ong no Brasil para ajudar pessoas que tem talentos e só precisam de uma mãozinha. Conte-nos uma história marcante desta jornada ! Como eu fazia roupas para as bailarinas do Fastão da TV Globo. Uma vez a figurinista falou que queria algo especial para usar no dia de São Pedro que cairia justamente no Domingo, penso que foi 2003 ou 2004 nao me lembro bem. Enfim, logo pensei naquelas quantidades de tecidos. Eu e minha irmã fomos direto para as portas das fábricas de biquínis, certas que lá iríamos encontrar aqueles abençoados "tecidos descartados". Dito e feito! Fizemos no total 60 peças. Fazer essas peças foi uma realização realmente prazeirosas. Ainda hoje tenho alguns destes "fuxicos" que são pequeninos botões de rosas feitos em tecidos para fazer este vestido. Ele tem 1.000 fuxicos e 7.000 cristais. O que você mais deseja fazer com a sua obra? - Quero mostrar para o Mundo ! Quero que as pessoas vejam e assim, rapidamente, possam pensar! Suelli Bonfim The art is reborn in the creations of Suelli Bomfim , a new way of dressing and shine through life ! Suelli Bomfim and I met in July 2012 when I had the great pleasure of going to Zurich. When visiting a good friend whom I had met in an exhibition in São Paulo. Athos received me introduce me to the city and his friends took me to this special artist Suelli ! A person full of radiant energy. An apartment of dreams amid a forest greeted me with an awesome affection, took me by the hand, went upstairs and took me to his studio . Beading, models , hoops , jewelry, handbags, dresses and went peering and to discover all the sparkles that invaded me . All parts of raw material that I found there were small pieces of aluminum, zippers, thousands of colorful phones cards carefully cut and she quickly devoted herself with magnifying glasses to fit hoops between one card and another, ending in an exclusive piece to dress a model at a fashion show . Vests that adjust to body movement, reassesses the assembly to give total comfort and security the design changes like a silk fabric enhancing the shape as if it were a medieval soldier highlighting each line of well designed body of the model athlete who was with us. A person who can change many things, what it seems to only be a mere piece of plastic or aluminum into a work of art that will soon be in a procession through the streets of Zurich absolutely divine form. Since then every new creation discovered more possibilities ahead! After I made sure to ​​ suggest an agenda for the recognition of this talent to Editora at AbaoutUs, Laiz and I talked and to my surprise I was ordered to do the interview myself ! Suelli is a beautiful brunette from Ilheus Bahia - Brazil living in Zurich for over 7 years. In our discussions over these two years she welcomed me in my pilgrimage around the world and advised me, telling me that fitting is not easy. Adapting to new, temperatures, cultures, imagine the heat from Ilheus to winter in Switzerland and this girl have adapted as a warrior and now has been understood in her art and navigating new customers, opening new markets . Her pieces are part of television costumes , exclusive pieces of celebrities and is conquering Europe and the world. It's only fair that we are part of this task force to present it with all the honors in a short visit to her studio in a special report about this journey of creation which, by all indications is emerging globally to meet the demanding market. Suelli Bonfim www.facebook.com/suelli. bomfim