Angela Cardoso
Talent , Focus and Determination .
By Edmundo Cavalcanti
and shape to express almost instinctive and
unselfish rules and exact techniques .
In 2013, Angela received invitations to participate in important international group
exhibitions and expos so in Rome in Tunis
Another São Paulo artist who has stood out in Tunisia and in the Dominican Republic .
in the national and international scene, with
her beautiful work. It is possible to observe Her paintings are now also sold in galleries
the evolution of her traits, forms and the in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Fortaleza,
colors observed in her canvas
but was last September that attending a conWithout realizing, she was increasingly ex- ference at Gallery Entrecores, she met Ferpressing herself more. Without bothering to nando, Adriana and Joyce, a meeting that
participate in exhibitions and art salons on created new perspectives and led to the projshe did not built a resume like most artists, ect " Tides, Flowers, Colors and Guiding
however she has improved and is impossi- Stars ," which for her simplifies all her quesble not to notice the poetic intensity and tions and answers ," What do I hope to find
maturity in her work,