By Hotspotorlando
From the Editors Desk.
We hope everyone had a great Christmas, but if you didn’t I’m sure you can make
it up next year ! Life is what it is but is a lot easier when you understand that you
will master it after learning that every mistake can be corrected and obstacles
overcome and it is just that, simple.
Every task in life is just a learning step to get to the next level, til you learn to understand and recognize these moments, and everything will be just a comfortable transition.
We are very thankful for everything we accomplished this year, but we are also
looking forward to 2014, and wish to all a great year filled with great challenges
that will lead you to more experience and success.
We are glad we are now biweekly, double the fun, and always ahead of our time,
digital, on-line only, no printing, no trees destruction, we also upgraded to a platform where several new features are possible, and we are adding more weight to
our team.
This is our second issue this month of December, we have a few Christmas highlights and celebrations from Orlando and we will keep, bringing you the best information possible, to keep you always in touch with all that happens around.
We thank you for the support and the warm welcome every month ! Have a great
Holiday see you in two weeks!
Laiz Rodrigues