AboutUS By Hotspotorlando #25 | Page 66

Graduated in Law since 199 , obtained the title of Master in 2005 ( UFPe ). A lawyer and professor at the State University of Santa Cruz - UESC . Twice in Dear friends and readers, I am sur- 1991 and 2000, began with her paintprised every day with the discovery of ings, without, however, giving continuso much talent at our northeastern Bra- ity. zil, it seem to me that there is a different energy that inspires and stirs the people But inspiration contained exploded in of this region to create wonderful work, 2011, when she made the series' GARwith many colors and regional issues. DEN OF FLOWERS " , exposed in SepMaybe it's the influence of the origin of tember 2011, the Gallery of the Municithese cities and their ancestors. The con- pal Theatre of Ilheus . tagious joy of this people is unmatched. After that, has been performing several In the last article you experienced a very solo and group exhibitions in various talented artist from the city of Recife, cultural venues and events in the city of but now I want you to meet an artist Ilheus . It has also participated in group from Iheus in Bahia, Hilda Jane Badaró, exhibitions in other states like São Paulo who charmed me with her work, themes and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and abroad. Considering the great reception that and colors . comes with your work and meaningThe meaning of Naive Art , also called ful curriculum built in just three years , Primitive Modern Art can be interpret- we see that this time in your life art has ed as a kind of simple art developed by come to stay. artists without preparation and knowlHilda Jane says she has experienced a edge of academic techniques. new and very special moment , after all, The English term only with half a century of life began Naive can be translated as naive and in- to be recognized as an artist : " I went nocent, so simplistic and understand- through many years devoting myself to ing. The lack of technical not retracted the study and practice of Juridical Scithe development of this art, which re- ence , and really enjoying it. But someceived great prominence, to be cher- thing was missing , until I discovered ished by connoisseurs of aesthetics and within me a yell that could not silence : common people. The characteristic of the catching canvas, brushes and paints Naive Art is the deficit of formal qual- and initiated artistic activity . ity . The drawings do not have proper spellings and finish with no traces visi- Now, dealing with both activities in ble disability perspective and the appli- parallel, I have tried to balance reason cation of colors , textures and shadows . and emotion, incorporating distinct personas, tuning in one and sometimes The aesthetics of this art can be defined in another It is a time of very interestas not committed to real art , because ing life , "she says . mixing colors without detailed study of combinations and lines have always She adds : " I believe that I produce art figurative and dimensional traits. It is in " raw " which expressed my feelings stated that this type of art has aesthetic as good as possible, for me. My paintfreedom and can be summarized as a ings are an expression of my spirit. I'm not interested in having an academfree art convention . ic art. This is not, and will not be, my Critics say in general terms, the Naive language. My choice is the artistic lanArt is designed for artists who paint guage of freedom. I paint fearless, no with the soul, different art developed strings attached, no teacher, no school. by academic artists who paint only with Anyhow, I can even say I'm self-taught, because I never went near a display of the brain, not expressing feelings . a work of art, a book of great paint W'2