Continuing with
SEE ART Events
Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer and
the SEE ART ORLANDO Board of
Directors invited the Central Florida community to “Sculpting the
Future of Downtown,” the official
unveiling event of Orlando’s permanent, contemporary sculpture
collection on Monday, November
18, 2013. The eight iconic sculptures that are part of the SEE ART
ORLANDO collection are designed
to enhance the aesthetic experience
and cultural image of Downtown
The community kick-off celebration
featured music, entertainment for
all ages, food and prizes. Festivities
began at the Seaside Bank Plaza at
5:30 p.m. and continued at the History Center and Lake Eola Park un-
ally renowned artists, including one
from Central Florida, were selected
to create works of art inspired by
various elements of Orlando and
embodying the diverse fabric of the
city. Pieces in the collection are of all
different sizes and are crafted from
a variety of mediums ranging from
After more than 180 submissions stainless steel to limestone with feafrom 16 countries and 36 states tures that incorporate kinetic enerwere reviewed, eight internation- gy, solar power and LED lights.
til 7:30 p.m .
Supported by private philanthropy, SEE ART ORLANDO is
thought to be the largest permanent sculpture collection of different pieces by different artists
under construction at one time.