AboutTime Summer 2022 | Page 23

IW : Can you give us a quick overview of Delma ’ s history through to today ?

Andreas Leibundgut : Delma was founded in 1924 in Lengnau , Switzerland , by the Gilomen brothers as A & A Gilomen SA with the four brands : Delma , Gil , Midland , and Thuya . In 1966 the Gilomen ’ s were seeking a successor as there was none within the family . They found Ulrich Wüthrich , my grandfather , who acquired the company with a partner .
Following the takeover , they renamed the company after the Delma brand and started building on its sports collection . In 1969 Delma ’ s first divers ’ watch , the Periscope , was launched and with it started our commitment to creating great performance watches that stand the test of time .
In 1996 Fred Leibundgut , my father , joined the company and started shifting the focus of Delma back to its core , the sports timepieces , that Delma had deviated from in the 1980s and early 1990s . Since then , we have successfully rebuilt our Diver and Racing collections with some outstanding performance timepieces . Delma has weathered the stormy past two years quite well and today we are looking forward to celebrating our upcoming centennial anniversary in 2024 in a way that ’ s worthy of that milestone .
What are some of the unique selling points that make Delma stand out ?
As one of the few independent and family-owned Swiss watch manufacturers , established nearly a century ago , we offer exceptional products at very competitive prices for modern day adventurers .
In a competitive market , how do you position Delma with regard to other existing watch brands ?
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