Ariodante Margaritelli, was a dedicated watchmaker in Parma, Italy, the Swiss Made label, with some automatics and some quartz. The
where he created highly technical precision watch instruments for the strapwork on the executions is exactly what you would expect from a
military during World War I and II. watch steeped in the world of leather, echoing fine motorcycle gear.
“He and my father are my biggest inspirations. They are who
“Our straps are made with a construction and materials that
pushed me to follow in their footsteps as a third-generation Italian are not common even in many commercial brands, with the leather
watchmaker,” Enrico says. sourced more like gentleman’s artisanal shoes with handmade pro-
Enrico spent many years working for others in the watch
industry. He was in Fossil’s senior management before launching
duction rather than traditional watchstrap design,” Enrico said.
CT Scuderia made the journey across the Atlantic in what might
CT (Contatempo) Scuderia in 2012. And, of course, Enrico is a café seem an unexpected way, and, no, it wasn’t by motorcycle. Well, not
racer himself. directly at least. A man known for bringing tritium-tube technology to
When creating the theme and outline for the brand, Enrico tin-
kered with one of his grandfather’s stop watches and played around
with configurations to achieve what he wanted in the look, feel and
the mainstream in watches decided to embrace a watch brand that
doesn’t even make lume a central part of its brand story.
Twenty-seven years ago, Barry Cohen launched Luminox. It’s
functionality of a watch to meet the lifestyle. He then took the ideas a name you might have heard of. And within the past few months,
he had cobbled together and fashioned them with modern materials he sold his interest in the company. The way Cohen tells it, he was
and an up-to-date movement. Within a year, his initial vision became burned out on Luminox and didn’t find fulfillment in the work any lon-
a reality. ger. As many who see fewer years ahead than behind, he decided to
Five years later and the company currently offers a line of ap-
proximately 24 different series with multiple styles in each. All carry
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take on a new chapter in his life when he came across CT Scuderia in
Baselworld, the annual watch fair in Basel, Switzerland.