1 . Greenhouse gas emissions Reduced carbon emissions through a reduction in operational energy consumption and through the use of solar PV .
2 . Energy sub-metering Energy sub-meters will be installed per floor , and separately for lights and sockets to monitor the consumption of energy throughout the lifecycle of the building . This helps the building users to strategically control their energy consumption .
3 . Lighting power density The lights specified in the design have minimal energy consumption .
4 . Zoning A lighting efficiency system that allows for lights to only be switched on in occupied spaces .
5 . Peak energy demand reduction The design reduces peak demand energy - which helps to eliminate the BPC penalties on maximum demand power .
2 . Concrete The design reduces the amount of embodied energy in concrete by replacing a portion of the Portland cement with industrial waste .
3 . Steel The design reduces the amount of embodied energy associated with virgin steel by using steel that has a significant amount of recycled content .
1 . Refrigerant / gaseous ODP The design of the building only uses refrigerants that have an ozone depleting potential ( ODP ) of zero .
2 . Insulant ODP The insulants used in the building have an ozone depleting potential of zero .
3 . Legionella To eliminate the risk of Legionnaires ’ disease ( Legionellosis ), no evaporative cooling towers or other evaporative cooling systems will be used in the building .
TRANSPORT ( Emissions of harmful gases and promotion of good health ) 1 . Fuel-efficient transport The parking is designed and allocated to encourage and facilitate the use of fuel efficient vehicles for work commuting . An increase in fuel efficient vehicles will curb the emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere .
The solar PV capacity is designed to be 970kWp . The system is going to be grid tied and its output is equivalent to the estimated load demand of the building , but has no battery backup so the building will still draw from BPC when time of demand does not tally with the weather or daytime irradiation .
2 . Cyclists ’ facilities The development facilitates the use of bicycles by occupants and visitors through provision of secure bicycle storage , showers and changing facilities , and lockers for building staff as well as a visitor bicycle parking area . This sustainability measure reduces harmful emissions , caused by vehicles , into the environment and promotes good health for building users .
1 . Occupant water amenity The building has sanitary fittings that reduce potable water consumption by building occupants - uses fittings with lower flow rates at optimum pressure .
2 . Water meters Water consumption is managed and monitored through smart water sub-metering .
3 . Heat rejection water Heat rejection water systems are used in HVAC systems and some use potable water to operate . In this design , the heat rejection system does not consume water .
1 . Recycling waste storage The building design includes dedicated storage area for separation and collection of waste from office consumables , with good access for all building occupants and for collection by recycling companies .