AboutTime Issue 35 | Page 2

GENERAL NEWS From the MD’s desk By Sandy Kelly Those of you who know me are probably aware that my favourite beverage is Castle Lager. Apart from the saying that “Some beer is better than others, but there’s no bad beer,” which I agree is the case, there’s the famous Castle slogan which I think is very appropriate to our business – “The taste that’s stood the test of time.” Now anyone who’s had the pleasure of working with us in whichever way: client, associate, service provider etc, we hope would be as happy as we have been with the experience. So much so, that they enjoyed the taste and wanted another taste due to the quality – much like I enjoy Castle! In this edition, we bid farewell to Cliffy Ferreira, our director of residential developments. He has been a stalwart since joining us in 1992. The contractors who worked for us at Kgale View who may have been subjected to stripping off a newly plastered wall and redoing it because it wasn’t up to scratch, will have known and learned very quickly that a certain quality was required to earn another chance to taste our brew. So much so that over the years, houses in Gaborone could be identified as, “That’s a Time house.” And they all have “stood the test of Time.” Cliff, you can be proud of what you’ve achieved with us and for the Botswana community. Tsamaya Sentle, you certainly have stood the test of Time. Moving on… We have much ahead of us as you will see from our newsletter. People ask, “How is it that you guys always seem to have lots on the go?” Well, when we get up in the morning and come to work, we don’t just come to sit here like a banker who has accounts to manage! Yes, we ABOUT TIME, the quarterly newsletter of Time Projects Editor: Brett Marlin have properties to manage which we do daily, but every day, every week, every month, every year, our job is to find new projects and developments. We go out and look for opportunities and often people come to us with sites. Why do they do that? Well, because they have had “The taste that’s stood the test of Time,” perhaps being what we’ve done for them or many others around the country, extending to Zambia and maybe even other territories. Similarly, our strategy on office developments has been to adopt a design that is practical and cost effective, particularly concentrating on aesthetics and finishes that are lasting. For example, the SA High Commission and Letshego Place were developed along classical architectural lines - seemingly ageless. And at Prime Plaza we adopted a more contemporary design which was proven in other developed markets. We have avoided flavour of the month finishes such as glazed curtain walls, cladding systems that, looking back, could be identified as 80s or 90s buildings. Our retail centres are clean-cut and world class, adapted for local conditions effectively making them true to “The taste that’s stood the test of Time.” Next time you have a beer, think of us. Or if you fancy a beer, give us a call! Managing editor: Faye-Marie Cloete Email: [email protected] Cell: +267 7137 6232 Contributors: Sandy Kelly, Brett Marlin, Roy Mapharing, Heinrich Malan, Michael Hughes and Chabo Mbikiwa Tel: +267 395 6080 | Fax: +267 390 0160 | Email: [email protected] | Website: www.time.co.bw ABOUT TIME is published on behalf of Time Projects by Nova Communications (Pty) Ltd. The opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors and people interviewed and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor, publisher or Time Projects. While all precautions have been taken to ensure accuracy of information, the editors and publisher cannot accept responsibility for any inaccuracies which may inadvertently have occurred. 2 ISSUE 35 - SEPTEMBER 2018