AboutTime Issue 35 | Page 17

GLOBAL SPOTLIGHT By Brett Marlin Modern inventions among the ruins of Pompeii Pompeii is a true marvel. Neither my wife, Tanya, nor I could believe what we saw or heard about how Pompei was designed, built or managed. We have this idea that we are so advanced, but when you see what was happening in the 6th century BC to 75AD, you realise that so many things that we have today were also used all that time ago. Unfortunately, when the barbarians conquered the region around Italy in the 5 th century, so many of the inventions, construction techniques and every day conveniences were lost and only discovered again many years later. Pompeii, along with many villas in the surrounding area, was destroyed and buried under 4m to 6m of volcanic ash stone in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD at which time its population was esti mated at 11 000. The city was lost for about 1 500 years until its initial rediscovery in 1599 and broader rediscovery almost 150 years later by a Spanish engineer in 1748. The objects that lay beneath the city have been preserved for more than 1 600 years because of the long lack of air and moisture. These artefacts provide an extraordinarily detailed insight into the life of a city during this period. During the excavation, plaster was used to fill in the voids in the ash layers that once held human bodies. This allowed archaeologists to see the exact position the person was in when he or she died. ISSUE 35 - SEPTEMBER 2018 The roofs of most of the buildings in the city collapsed under the weight of the ash and stone, but the walls remained intact. Unfortunately, after the buildings were unearthed, locals pillaged the city and took most of the marble that clad the exterior walls of the buildings. During the Second World War the Germans had occupation of the city and when they retreated after the American landing/invasion, they did irreparable damage by bombing the area. The only saving grace is that there is still 25% of the city uncovered due to the cost of exposing it and the upkeep of the buildings. This will at least ensure that once exposed, it will be looked after properly and will be available for future generations as the current city, quite understandably, is decaying with age. 17