"About Us" - Romania | Page 11

Places people need to function My Town—Targoviste The city of Targoviste in southern Romania, the former medieval capital of the Principality of Walachia, is endowed with a pair of impressive Beaux Arts style public buildings dating from the La Belle Époque, namely the Town Hall (―Primaria‖ in Romanian) and the former local prefecture headquarters, now hosting the Dambovita County Arts Museum. The style, promoted beginning with the last decades of the 19th through the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, was hugely influential in Europe, North America and beyond, being suitable especially for grand public edifices and mansions. Both Targoviste constructions were the work of the architect (some sources designate him as a builder) Giovanni Baldassare Vignossa (I found in different sources about a half dozen spelling versions for his name and settled for this one) and the decorator Giovanni Battista del Basso. They were part of the ―second wave‖ of Italian builders, architects and artists active in the country, who have contributed to a great extent to the achievement of the built environment of what is now Romania. A most intriguing element among de rich decorative panoply of the building is the theme of the weathervane (a rarely used architectural element in Romania) on top of the tower, a whale with a crown on its head, which makes a sharp captivating contrast with the environment of this city located at the feet of the Transylvanian Alps, far away from the sea. The Local Hospital from Targoviste was founded in1930 in a building that had a number of 20 beds. In 1938 the expansion of it took place and another 2 buildings were constructed, the number of beds reaching to 120. from 1940 to 1948 there were founded sections such as Pediatrics, Gynecology, New Borns and Policlinic. The General Surgery section had 80 beds and was built between 1950 to 1952, not long after the Cardiology section and the Medical Analisis were founded. A new building was inaugurated in 1973, with 700 new beds, that asigurate medical assistance for the population of the municipality and the majority of villages around it. The Old Post Office is an edifice erected in 1908, according to the draughts of architect Alex Clavel, in neo-Romanian style, with facades in face brick and white stone, interiors with indented floors. 9